Re: A Friend's Symptoms...Need experts
Paulette, I think that 2 am is related to the time the liver naturally cleanses according to Ayurvedic medicine.
I think
Liver Flushing may be good idea, but I would warn her that if her bowels do not move after the
Epsom Salts , that she should not continue with the flush. If there is a blockage or any kind of problem involving emptying the colon, then
Liver Flushing may cause more harm than good.
Another thing I think your friend should consider is not having enough acid in her stomach and possibly the need for digestive enzymes. Last week a lady I know slightly looked me up and down and told me I needed some digestive enzymes. This gal is a bit eccentric, but very knowledgeable about nutrition. Owen had also mentioned enzymes a while back, but I could not afford the brand he recommended. I could afford what Walmart carried-Multi-Enzyme Formula from Rexall. After only a week I have noticed my food is digesting better and I do not get as nauseous or bloated as I had been. I had gotten to the point I could not handle raw food or fiber at all. If your friend can manage it, a drink with anywhere from 1-3 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar and a little honey before her meals and some digestive enzymes after each meal may help her. My overall recommendation would be clear the colon, flush the liver and gallbladder, and add digestive enzymes.