Re: Horrible die-off rash--help!!!
First thing I would do is call the dr. that prescribed it for you and let him/her know your symtoms. I personally could not handle Diflucan, after taking it for 3 days, I wanted to drown myself in the pool, so I stopped taking it. I had similar symptoms that you are having, just didn't take it as long. I attributed it to the fact that my candida was severe, so I started with gentler measures, i.e. diet, molybdenum and started on
parasite products. Candida feeds
parasites and vice versa.
I would definitely stop with the coffee, milk and yogurt which are not allowed on a candida diet. Some say yogurt is ok, but every diet I've ever read says no milk products or yogurt. Some berries are supposedly ok, but if your candida is bad, I would omit those for now.
Sounds like you may have some leaky gut issues as well, which is common. Sorry you are having such reactions, I remember how awful that was.
I found dry skin brushing and showering with Dr. Bronners hemp oil soap to be helpful for skin issues.