Well , first you should not be drinking milk as it full of
Sugar ( lactose). Also yogurt is a no go unless it is yogurt you made yourself. Yogurt bought at the store is not fermented long enough to get rid of most of the lactose in it so essentially you are eating more sugar. And berries are not allowed either as fruit is full of fructose which is also a
Sugar and feeds candida.
Your symptoms do sound like a horrible die off episode as I cannot see how you could possibly get worse on diflucan unless it was die off. But then you are rendering treatment useless to some degree by eating sugar.
Drinking alot of water will greatly help reduce toxins as will some brisk walking. However you may find you will need to cut back greatly on your treatment and go at it alot slower. Too much die off can be a horrible strain on the body as you are experiencing and could just be like spinning your wheels in the mud since creating a toxic environment helps out the candida.
I would recommend doing enemas. The reason I say this is because candida originates in the intestine and that is where all the trouble is coming from. You can take some spring water, warm it to room temp or a little warmer and then flush out all the toxins and dead candida and even some of the living stuff. ( See my images in the candida
Image Gallery ). While not pleasant , enemas gave me a tremendous amount of relief from symptoms while fighting it off. It clears out many of the toxins.
Also, metamucil is junk and is also full of sweeteners and artificial flavors. You need to get some plain old psyllium fiber with husks like Sonne's brand. It is does not taste good but it bulks up good and does not feed the candida.
Getting well from candida requires NO
Sugar whatsoever. If you feed them even a little sugar you will render your treatment useless while you try to kill them while feeding them hardily at the same time. They are a resilient fungus so you need to be diligent to get rid of it. You will cause the candida to become resistant to diflucan and then you will find yourself in a tough spot.
The diet is tough but the illness gets worse from here. I motivated myself by asking myslef what would I rather have a piece of bread or sugary desert or have my life back. Its a no brainer. You can get far sicker than you are right now if you can imagine that. And for some of us that is why we stick so closely to the diet.
You can try
Epsom Salt baths , it is really the sweating the brings about the toxic removal, but it also causes you to loose minerals which you could already be depleted of since you have candida. My belief is you can either work really hard going after the toxins that are circulated thru your body or you can go right at the source , which is the intestine and wash out toxins there which will get at them before they circulate throughout your body. Then drink plenty of water to flush out your system.