I think Boycotting chemical laden foods is the first step to the road to health.
Reading labels is imperative. All of McDonalds food is packed in boxes w/labels.
Just ask to see one. McFrys have beef fat on the label,plain as day.
I agree with the statement regarding labeling foods precisely, even the pesticides used.
I chose to stop eating crappy foods over 30 years ago. If there is any questionable
ingredient on a can, I put it back on the shelf.
Certainly, it is virtually impossible to dodge pesticides, chemicals or genitically
modified foods...everything is in the food chain,plant pollen in the air and carried by bees and butterflies. Even organic foods are allowed a tolerance of 5% non organic are allowed by the wonderful FDA. And by 2011 food & vitamin safety laws may be thrown out the window if Codex Alimentarius gets their way as planned.
Yet, in the interim there is no one forcing us to eat the blatent poisons layed in front of us. It amazes me that intelligent people still eat at McDonalds. Yet , the advertising and the brainwashing started at such an early age that not eating that comfort food is a rare option, obviously, instead of the 'over 50 Billion served'
sign being changed every few years it's fixed at 'billions and billions'...wonder if it'll hit trillions soon-they must be doing something 'right'...and one of the things ain't providing heathy food.
Not being a saint, I can honestly say that I have avoided McDonalds for 30 years, as well as reading labels and avoiding ingredients that have more than 8 syllables.
I eat at restaurants, so I'm sure I get slipped a 'Mickey' frequently. I just think
that given the chance the body can handle anything.
We still have 'smarter' choices. We still can boycott and avoid the blatent poisons
and foods that we know are not good or at the very least questionable for our health.
I think it's key to raise our children with a
healthy Diet and lifestyle. Lead by example and of course, by supervision and discipline-just say no.
Give the kids a chance, give their bodies a chance. Hopefully , after they've flown the coop, they will inherently make the right choices.
Falliing into the bull^%$# hype and buying them 'Happy Meals' is not an option in my book. Parents have to become parents again. "You'll eat what's in front of you"
Media hype should be avoided ,too, in my opinion. This is why McDonalds and Coke and Proctor & Gamble are so powerful. They train us. Most Americans don't have an opinion anymore about what to eat , drink or clean their house's all done already for the brainwashed. And it's not fair to expose that to our kids impressionable minds. Years ago, my kid ran in to my office and said, " DAD,YOU HAVE TO BUY THIS LAUNDRY SOAP...YOU HAVE TO!!!". Sure enough, it was one of those ads where the clothes go in the washer filthy, and miraculously ,within seconds , they are clean and folded. hah, I still have to laugh at that one. Yet, that is the power.
We must yank ourselves from the path of the 'brain wave'.
Most people can't or haven't gone a day just being with themselves without advertising bombarding them. Most people can't handle the thought of doing that.
Most yearn ,unconsciously,for the ads to tell us what to do and what to eat. Most of us subliminally light up when we see the colors of a logo, most of us drool when we see a picture ,that has been doctored for hours , of food.
Folks that have been snowed indoors for days, on a month long backpacking trip ,or have lived without electricity or running water in the mountains can idendify with me. I will bet that 97% of Americans have rarely ever gone a day with out advertising. I think that the 'training' we get makes us dependant on the stimulus
of advertising.
Ironically, I'm in the advertising/marketing business. Howz that for a paradox?
Just a glimps of what goes in a Coke or McDonalds ad, if it cost a million to produce, half of that went into psychological research. Political ads are even more
Thanks everyone for a great thread.