Re: Gonna start intravenous injection of garlic solution!!
Thank you for your kind words~~ :)
Our candida diet was very strict although
we would eat Rice Dream for a treat and
once in a blue moon, Godiva Dark Belgian
Ice cream...ggg. We used a lot of soy milk
and soy cheese, ghee, and kefir, liquid
acidophilous and organic yogurt, lots
of herbal teas, lots of pure water, and
daily body-brushing and sunbathing too.
Nothing which could be fermented to make
any alcohol of course. Spelt bread, pasta,
rice bread toast was good. Buckwheat for
pancakes and porridge. LOTS of steamed rice,
lots of garlic, onions, LOTS of juices
with any number of fresh veggies in them.
We used lots of spirulina and wheatgrass
when we could buy it or find it. No sauces
with sugars in them. We did a lot of label
reading and its not always easy to find
products without
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) and hidden sugars.
Sticking to salads and unprocessed foods
is not so difficult. I was able to find
recipes too where you could make desserts
which were healthy. We both were vegetarian
at the time so were more challenged although
with colon cancer and the putrefecation
factor, it was an easy choice.
In a way, I was fortunate to find out in
the early stages of cancer and be able to
deal with it the way I did. It was a wake
up call too so there were no namby pamby
decisions. It was either shape up or look
down the road with me wearing a baggie or
worse. So, I was willing to trust in my
choice to go the alternative road since I
felt my internist would see me as a cash
cow and bleed me and my family of all of
our assets and perhaps greatly diminish
the quality of the life I had left. I had
had the symptoms of cancer for three years
so had known something was wrong but kept
making deals with God who was happy to
accommodate me until I really needed my
wake up call. Once I got the call, I did
realize I was at a fork in my path to
wellness or to disease and death. I made
the choice and never looked back.
The same thing with candida. I was clueless
since honestly, I never had a vaginal yeast
infection, no thrush, nothing to indicate I
had a yeast overgrowth. My naturopath pointed
out other symptoms like my brittle finger
nails and my cracked heels. She also helped
me put a plan into action and we did first
things first and just kept going. The thing
about candida, is we all have it. The first
breath outside our mother's body, we suck in
spores. Yeast is normal, and necessary, but
if you get an overgrowth or an abundance of
bad yeast, it wreaks havoc. In a way it is
also like pulling the weeds in your yard.
If you let the weeds get the upper hand, they
are happy to take over. If you nurture and
feed the good grass, there is no room for
weeds. Same sort of thing with good gut flora.
So, another thing I learned was important was
enzymes and the different strains of bacteria
I could "plant" in my belly. My whole program
would take 7 years my doctor said and so with
that kind of time frame, I think I had to
relax and look at it differently. Heck that
was closer to the time you spent in high school
AND college. So seeking out information and using
it is a big plus in implementing good body
maintenance. If I were in the thick of things now,
I probably would be trying out
Oleander soup
which Tony Isaacs recommends. My friend and I
did Essiac, made it fresh and step by step, not
only came back to life but have moved away from
that tenuous spot to where I consider I am thriving
and rebuilding my organs and tissue. They say every
7 years your body replicates itself completely.
To me this means you have a chance to get a "do-over"
sort of redemption where you can achieve health.
It is not easy since there are so many mitigating
factors, and yet diligence and raising your awareness
will help you put all the pieces of your health puzzle
together in a way which is also spiritually fulfilling
as well as healing on all levels.
Taking ownership of your health issues and playing
a major role in facilitating your own healing is very
empowering and I cannot recommend it enough. I still
have a ways to go to get where I would like to be but
as I have posted before, to put my feet on the floor
each morning and feel good is worth all the seeming
deprivation of cookies or alcohol or ice cream I
put myself through.
There is no grand arrival, it is an ongoing lifestyle
choice to help yourself swim against the tide of risk
factors being alive today present. It is a worthy
journey however, and there are great people in whose
footsteps you can follow. Ann Wigmore's name comes
to mind immediately.
While mold is a concern and certainly I would never
scrape mold off cheese anymore, but just toss it,
and living in mold, for me, is no longer an option
I want to accept, but the biggest thing is to buff
up your immune system. You will not avoid the risks
but you can prepare your body to fight and overcome
whatever life has to dish out. I consider myself
a pacifist and was amazed when looking at a dark
field study, there were huge battles going on. You
could see the white blood cells surrounding and
parasites and other invaders. I could see
when the candida realized it was outside of the
body, in my drop of blood, it would shed its spores
just like a puff ball would and then they were
everywhere. It was sort of an *aha* moment for me
and I realized that I was the general of my army
and that as above, so below, and that if I wanted
to live, I could not roll over and play dead. I
had to feed my body things like olive leaf and
essiac and nutrition which would support my "army"
and do what I could to alleviate the numbers of
invaders. Fortunately, I was successful and I hope
to live a long time to tell the story, and be an
inspiration to my friends and family to make the
choices now to get behind body maintenance and
healthful habits.
I wish you MUCH success on your own healing journey~!
Sugar MUST be close to eliminated.
Sugar feeds candida, cancer and chronic infections, especially fungals. Fruit juices feed candida. Proteins (meats) are OK. White breads, donuts, ice-cream are not good either. Stop ingesting all chemicals and
preservatives as they contribute to liver toxicity and cause free radical damage in the body. Read labels and use only natural foods that the body knows how to digest. For instance - If you are going to eat potatoes, eat real ones, not ones made from a box. Same goes for all foods. No preserved meats like sandwich meats or hot-dogs. Frozen vegetables are fine but avoid processed meals. *Do not use a microwave. Switch to distilled water as the drinking water for at least 6 months. No diet sodas. *No Aspartame. *No MSG. Keep the bowels working and add in an extra 2-3 full glasses of DISTILLED water to help the cells eliminate toxins. This is a detox program and it may take a few months, maybe longer, to help your body recover. If you get a headache, or other harmless detox symptoms, discontinue supplements for that day and drink extra water, take a laxative and continue again when you feel better. Just don't give up. This is a tough infection to get, but it can be done as McCain has helped thousands of people overcome the ailments listed above.
People that have chronic candida, also need to detox parasites. This should be done separately and at least 2 months after being on above protocol.