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Re: Gonna start intravenous injection of garlic solution!!

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Heal Gut Dysbiosis
Remove the gunk and repopulate with probiotics.

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Zoebess Views: 4,893
Published: 17 y
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Re: Gonna start intravenous injection of garlic solution!!


It makes me cringe to think that if you have
systemic candida AND most likely parasites since
they make good neighbors, AND, if you are right
that this product acts so effectively that it
touts 70% kill-off within 2 hours, can you really
imagine how awful you will feel dealing with the
toxins and the die-off symptoms??

I lived in a moldy house and had gotten systemic
candida and because of my habits of swimming in
any puddle or swimming hole and gardening etc.,
I had a really serious parasite load. I went to
a naturopath who showed me on a dark field study
how serious it was and who guided me through the
detox and the protocol back to health. It took
3 years of STRICT diet and anti-fungals and rounds
of parasite cleansing to get clear of the loads
I had accumulated over 50 years. This of course
involved a cycling process of killing off for a
month and then flushing the kidneys and the liver
to prepare for another round. It involved eating
foods which volumized and strengthened the blood.
It involved patience and planning.

One thing which really helped me with my candida
was olive leaf extract and Colloidal Silver along
with my Mycostat. Also giving my body lots of green
drinks and juices which used fresh beets. If you can
find a farmer's market sometimes it is possible to
find them by the bushel. Other blood building greens
are broccoli, kale, dark-leafed lettuces, spinach, and
I used a lot of spirulina and wheatgrass. Green stuff
makes good blood and good blood is most effective in
carrying waste away and delivering nutrition. Your
diet needs to include replacing the old bacteria with
good bacteria in the way of acidophilous or probiotics
or kefir, or plain organic yogurt is also recommended.

If you do not have a habit of drinking plenty of
pure water to help keep things moving, this is also
imperative when detoxing. Doing things which will
improve your lymph flow are also important. These
include body-brushing, or rebounding, or using a
chi machine is also a good alternative.

I know you sound tired of being forbearing and being
patient, but I assure you, THAT is the path to wellness.
Surely, you did not take even a year to get to the place
of toxicity where you find yourself. Reconsider allowing
yourself to go slower, or find a naturopath or homeopath
or osteopath who can help guide you through this process.

Here is the protocol I followed successfully~~

I wish you well~~




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