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Re: Article in our local paper on Liver Flush
msteve666 Views: 3,999
Published: 18 y
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Re: Article in our local paper on Liver Flush

Unless you can support your assertions with facts, they are just opinions. Even you say "I THINK that's adding to the work of the liver" and that "Some B-complex and Magnesium supplementation might help you". Opinions, Opinions, opinions. My OPINIONS just happen to be opposite of yours. My opinion is that done properly, toxins ARE expelled from the liver. Getting them out quickly, once expelled, is the key. I have had amazing eliminations since I adopted a post Liver-Flush salt water flush. It gives nothing a chance to be re-absorbed.

As to fat. There is a big difference between animal fat and vegetable fat (oil) (just a general statement - not previously addressed as to harmful effects on the liver). It is the short term overload which makes the process work. Twenty minutes of liver stress every couple of weeks, is far less a danger to your health than a lifetime of blissful congestion preventing optimal functionality.

That's like saying don't put your muscles under stress because they will produce lactic acid and make you sore for days. The long term effects strengthen your muscles, the soreness goes away, and you are functioning at a higher level.

Again, I will state, stuff came out of me the first couple of flushes, that I have not seen since. If it was from everyday diet or a product of the flush ingredients itself, I would have been seeing it consistently over the last few years.

You are making assertions as facts, which are not supported.

Can't say what LFing can or cannot cure. Testimonies speak for themselves. I was on Neurotin for shoulder pain from a pinched nerve. Had bothered me for several months before I started on the Neurontin. It helped, but didn't completely get rid of it. I was shocked to read about the negative and toxic nature of Neurontin. Within 3 flushes I stopped taking the Nuerontin, because the shoulder pain stopped. It is what it is.

As to there being no end. I can probably agree to that. If you have a leak in your roof, and you put a bucket under the roof, the bucket will fill. You can either let it overflow and get water all over the floor OR you can periodically empty it, so it can handle the leak. The leak is in the diet. The flush empties the bucket.



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