Normally in Liver-Flush forum, ppl are advised to do flushes once every 2-3 weeks. And once they are clean 3 flushes in a row, do maintainance flushes of 2-4 times a year.
So I was following that protocol.
If U think, flushing every 2-3 weeks is TOO MUCH, maybe you should post this warning in Liver-Flush forum.
Well, when I started I thought I shall do like 10 of them. And then ppl said do 20, to cure all. And then someone will say, we need 30 flushes. Or maybe 40.. God, the numbers keep rising, as if doing a Liver-Flush is a joke or something. I recently read a post of someone who did 20 flushes. still has allergies. And then some one tells him, do 10 more and will feel better.