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Miracle II
trapper/kcmo Views: 4,860
Published: 17 y
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Miracle II

Miracle II is Spiritually Revealed, Scientifically Advanced, All Natural and Organic.

Active Ingredients: Eloptic energized stabilized oxygenated water, ash of dedecyl solution, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

and sold at a profit. you can bet they did no trials on fully iodinated people.

my dad was buying the cheapest crap walmart has to wash his hair. his beautiful full head of brilliant white hair was disappearing rapidly. we were down for a visit and the boys left their AXE(they insist and mom gets it for them) body wash there. dad ran out of shampoo and used the axe body wash for shampoo. heck, that stuff cant be good. but sure enough, the wads of hair in the drain disappeared and the hair on his head grew back in. now he swears by this stuff and wont use anything else. go figure.

the point is, i am sure the nasty stuff he was using works fine for most people. i am sure axe body wash is loaded with all the bad stuff they can find. but by simply changing his shampoo, he stopped a trend. he made a change in the environment his hair was in.

youre right. one time of Iodine exposure is not going to do much. but what you do every day, especially to the hair and scalp itself and even if it worked fine before, changing that is as likely to change the results as anything. miracle II is a fine product, i am sure. it probably works well for most. maybe not so well for you any more.


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