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Re: PTree & Valerie *EDIT*

Herbal Colonic Program
Cleanse your entire digestive system.

Herbal Colonic Program
Cleanse your entire digestive system.

kathryn101 Views: 3,383
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 926,098

Re: PTree & Valerie *EDIT*

Thanks for the reply, PTree...I was hoping one of you would find my post tonight...

On how much I'm releasing...I 'can' see the tube and what we're getting wouldn't
amount to 1/3 cup I wouldn't think. On Friday of the 2 in a row last week...I
did do better on Friday...and I made a little headway when we got back to the motel on Thursday evening...I've had just a little luck at home...but nothing at all to
brag about...and not even enough that 'I' would think would help much. I'm steeping
the tea for 10 minutes...and today she told me to go to twice a day on the tea.

I do get nauseated if I eat very much...1/2 hamburger on the road on the way home
today filled me up. I'll be back on my juicing tomorrow and see what that does. My
tummy is not distended...but she said the 2 places I have the 'pooch' are the 2 main
places for buildup when you have a spastic colon. I weigh 130 pounds and I'm 5 ft.
And yes, usually when I think I'm needing to go...and run to the's usually just gas.

I can take Milk of Magnesia...but should I add that with the tea? I don't mean
actually IN the tea...I just mean could I take both?

My appointments now will be one week apart because she's booked solid...she's been
working me get them closer...her sister had some appointments and I got her
sisters appointments...that was very thoughtful. She said her sister wouldn't mind.
She's still going to try to move my appointments closer...but she's closed for
a few days now for a vacation...will be back Monday.

She had said the temp would be body temp and I would barely notice it...but today
she said she was going to vary it...and I could even tell at one point. She's also
done accupressure on a key point on my upper tummy...

'She' felt I did good Friday...although I was wanting to do LOTS more than I did...we
were both disappointed today. She seems to really feel...that this is just really
going to be hard to break loose...because I've had the problem so long. But I've
tried all kinds of natural things myself...been to our family doctor 5 times...and
he didn't even take me serious...I also saw the gastroenteroligist's nurse practitioner...and all she wanted to do was schedule me for a colonoscopy...I 'thought' I was going to be able to see the specialist...I am in no
condition for a colonoscopy at this would be impossible...but I definitely need one as soon as we can do it, I guess...after all of this...

She says my colon feels 'out of shape' and doughy...not soft like it should...and she says the whole colon feels that way.

I had big hopes for the colonics...but I'm beginning to get a little panicky now :-)

Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I forgot to tell you...I took digestive enzymes when I got home today...I started
wondering about that on the way home...and I figured it wouldn't hurt and may just
help. I may even double up on those tomorrow....


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