Excessive bleeding (almost non-stop periods) with lots of brown blood
For over 8 months I've had irregular bleeding, mostly every 2 weeks but lately it's unpredictable. Last month I was almost regular again, with a 24 day cycle, and I was elated, but again I started with the brown blood about 2 days after my period ended. Last month my gyne found a tiny fibroid but said it was probably not the reason for my bleeding. I saw her after a rough bout with almost 2 weeks of bleeding, then the subsequent anemia, along with hemorrhoids and constipation. (I think the illness was a chain reaction from the excessive bleeding.) I treated myself with large doses of Cod Liver Oil (vitamin A for suspected fibroids), blackstrap molasses (iron source) and fiber for the constipation.
I am 37, no children, experience no cramping with this bleeding, though I do have a long ago history of endometriosis so minor pains don't bother me. I walk, bike, am very slim, and generally in good health except for this issue and the constipation. Hemorrhoids run in my family. I am not on birth control, only occasional supplements and Vitex for hormone regulation. My diet is mostly vegetarian, fish several times wkly, and I completely stopped eating chicken and most dairy over a month ago. Thank you ladies for any and all help.