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Re: O/T MSG kills brain cells - Excitotoxins - Dr.Blaylock video
monica999 Views: 12,250
Published: 18 y
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Re: O/T MSG kills brain cells - Excitotoxins - Dr.Blaylock video

It sure is very frustrating that Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) is everywhere and it truly interferes with us being sociable and enjoying gatherings with friends and even family because sharing a meal is a way for people to come together, connect and share. Its always been like this - even in the bible.

Of course one can say, well you dont HAVE to eat. Great!

Parrotgreen, Im not so sure that Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) is stored. I doubt it. The EFFECTS are felt for days, even weeks. In MS patients it leads to progression of the disease each time a Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) containing meal is eaten and this lasts for about TWO WEEKS!

This stuff is very addictive amd dangerous due to its effect on the body for days.

I dont know if Iodine can reverse brain cell damage already done - that would be great news!

I wouldnt expect someone NOT to get a reaction to MSG though just because of Iodine sufficiency. The toxic effect on the brain is immediate and Iodine wont neutralize it as a substance. I just read your lonk and your hypothesis that iodine might bind to the consumed glutamate. It would be great to find a reference backing this up as a reality. It would increase hope to be "safe" of MSG if consumed accidently or by choice on occasion (such as a dinner out).

At the same time, I see your point of this interefering while trying to achieve iodine sufficiency through supplementation.

Hopefully iodine can reverse damage to the brain cells afterwards though and prevent worsening if no further MSG is consumed for the time it takes for this to take place?



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