Re: ?? for Glaxony and other regulars on this forum
I would make sure your kids get to enjoy natural probiotic type foods like yogurt, Kefir milk sweetned with fruit and Stevia for example--, raw sauerkraut to help keep up the good bacteria in the digestive tract. This will become invaluable for them after any time they are forced to get an
Antibiotic (which kills good bacteria and can set the average person up for future
parasite infections)
I would also discourage them to ever get a Metal tooth filling in thier mouths. Pay the extra $ and allow them Composite/porcelain fillings instead. Methyl mercury that vaporizes from these fillings also destroys good gut bacteria and
parasites , bad bacteria and viruses tend to cling to areas where mercury deposits in the body.
Methyl mercury from tooth fillings slowly deposits over time into sinus cavities, and eventually into the rest of the body and digestive tract--- and colon, which is a major breeding area for parasites. Before I had my metal fillings replaced at 42 years-old, I had sinus
parasites constantly and bloody sinuses.
raw pineapple after meals, raw papaya, etc.. will do wonders for thier digestive tracts and keep the bowel movements flowing so that if they do happen to ingest
parasite eggs, they will have no time to hatch in the body.
Your children should be hydrated with raw fruit juices and water in between meals . Do not give them soda any longer. All sodas not only stunt bone growth by leaching out calcium-- they also create Benzene in the body --which guess what?... encourages many
parasites to grow to full stage and breed in the human body, which would normally only live to larvea stage and die.
Also, last but not least, do not be overly worried about them possibly contacting parasites. A good once or twice a year herbal deworming is healthy for them, you as parents, and your household pets.
Their immune systems seem adapted to their environment, so they may have developed a resistance to many of these parasites. Once they are forced to take medical anti-biotics, and made to use anti-bacterial cleansers, etc, this natural resistance to bad bugs and bacteria dies and they are left vulnerable. This is the reason I will not use anti-bacterial soaps.