Re: A [New?] Method for detection of infestations in salivary fluid
congrats on the new discovery, sounds like it will relieve much of the guess work involved in diagnosing infestations. Does it diagnose specific infections?
hopefully we will know more details about the entire process soon and when it will be available for use. Is there more info on your website?
Will you be submitting this for formal publication? That would certainly make for interesting reading.
Recently rabbit brought a very informative old post of yours to my attention
there was a part I was wondering about:
" "
For example, sometimes it seems to me like a good idea to have a 'general perception' of the infestations involved at first. Because there are so many kinds of
parasites [some of which seem to remain unknown even to medical literature], I seldom bother with highly specific identification. Species are usually enough for me.
for specimens that I've found and that I haven't been able to identify conclusively to this date, not even with the help of the best experts that I know in the field. I really don't care if I ever find out what they are anymore, because I've learned enough about them to figure out their weaknesses and to know how they can be killed. I know how 'primitive' this must sound, but frankly it's enough for me to know how to kill them period - I'm quite the practical guy as you can see. I'm leaving the taxonomy task 'to scholars'. I particularly like the second one, which curiously seems to show "wings"?)
" "
I havent been able to load those links, perhaps they moved. Do you have any more recent links?