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severe dysplasia
tarheelsgirl Views: 11,822
Published: 18 y

severe dysplasia

I need some good advice and a little peace of mind! I had a Mirena IUD for 15 months and because of all the horrible side effects, I had it removed this past March. Of course, in order to get back on the pill, I had to have my yearly PAP exam. It came back abnormal! They did a biopsy in May and it came back as being severe dysplasia (they said on the scale of 0-6, 0 being normal and 6 being actual cancer, I am a 4). I am scared to death at this point. My next appointment is July 11th. They are supposed to discuss with me my need for surgery. I'm hoping that someone out there can fill me in on ANY information possible about all this. Can it really affect my ability to have more children? If they remove it this time will I have problems with more in the future? Is it a painful procedure (do they put you under?)? Any and all info anyone can share please do so. I'm really freaking out right now. I'm also having all the assoicated symptoms of a reproductive cancerous situation...I'm having spot bleeding, watery discharge with a slight odor, gastro changes, lower back pain, abdominal swelling...etc.

Thanks for any help!!!!


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