Re: Correcting "Hemochromatosis--Basis Chemistry Lesson"-$$$ to be made.
"he gets caught bending the laws of science, and getting bashed as a result. his approach or message is overly simplistic."
Many throughout history have "bent" the laws of
Science and have paid a heavy price, losing reputation, being imprisoned, and losing life for their beliefs only for others to find later on in history that they were right.
A recent example would be that bacteria, H. pylori, causes ulcers...
Science is blinded far too often by a very narrow focus AND the "common" belief of the day. This is usually caused by opinions of those who have the most influence and create the loudest ruckus. Those in the wings, including amateur, hobbiests, interns, grad students, (I saw it first hand in college) who may have REALLY found the answers are brushed aside, along with their work(s) as nonsense, or quackery.
Nothing wrong with bending the rules of science... in fact I would encourage it.
The bashing of someone who is strong enough to not only put their ideas out there, but defend them, is a given; it will happen till the end of time as it has happened since the beginning.
As far as ML being over simplistic, if you look at Corinthian's guidelines for health...
it IS very simple. What is complicated is the
Science behind it as there are far too many unknowns; and one understanding gets in the way, convolutes, or obscures another vital to the working of the first, and remains unbeknown to those supposedly in the "know", but nevertheless vital for the process to complete its life giving task.
It was not that long ago that we did not have any understanding of phyto or glyco nutrients as they are understood today; they will never be completely understood. I know that in any chemical process occurring within a living organism that there are unknown/unmeasured forces at work that are required, such as magnetic, light, osmotic pressures, etc. without which, completion of the "life giving" process would be impossible...
ALL nutritional consumption/absorption is put to use in a living body, plant or animal in a synergistic manner. I doubt
Science will ever figure the whole thing out to understanding.
Best to keep it simple in its application as people like ML, MH, Andreas, Humaworm, and so many others champion, and let our bodies and their innate intelligence along with nature worry about the complexity.