Re: heart keeping me up at night
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that liver flushing is not that scary or dangerous. It is a very different way of self help than we are used to, but it can work wonders on many levels. I was fortunate enough to have my chiropractor/naturopath guide me through my first liver flush and parasite cleanse. Not everyone has that access to an open minded healer.
I found the Humaworm cleanse to be the best of all I have tried, but you may find another you like better. I have tried the lemon/coke/olive oil flush and it does work very well, although I usually prefer to do the Hulda Clark flush with a few changes that meet my needs. One thing that I really believe in is pre-flush preparation. Spend a week or so drinking plenty of apple juice, eating raw apples, and supplementing with raw apple cider vinegar (I put 1-3 teaspoons in my apple juice). The malic acid will help soften the stones, the pectin will improve bowel function. These factors will make the flush easier.
A severe magnesium deficiency can cause irregular heartbeats, but so can a lack of potassium. I shared my recipe for a good electrolyte drink in the Ask Curezone forum, it is good to use after liver flushing, especially if you have a lot of diarrhea. Iodine supplementation is good, but start slowly, it packs a wallop!