Re: heart keeping me up at night
Romeo: I had the same problems for years. Kind of scary isn't it? Wake you up in the middle of the night, feels like your heart stops beating. With me it was a matter of poisoning, parasites and the congesting of the liver that poisons and parasites cause. Most of the symptoms come from the congested liver. That doesn't go away until the parasites are gone. So a good antiparasite program is recommended. I prefer Barefoots DeWormer. I also use Awareness Corporations "Clear". Two weeks into the program do a liver flush. I prefer the Coke, olive oil and lemon flush but that one isn't very popular here. But I've never seen it fail, nothing gets stuck in the Common bile duct with it. Once the liver is decongested the symptom dissapear. When you start getting the "flutters" again you know it's time for another flush. This past winter I dscovered Barefoots Liver/gallbladder Balance. Great product, it keeps the liver open so you can detox properly.
The symptoms come for the lymphatics backing up. The liver flush keeps the lymphatics flowing. Very important. Again Barefoots liver/gallbladder balance goes a long way in keeping the liver open and minimizes the necessity of the flush.
Three month antiparasite program and then maintenance for the rest of you life. Two weeks into the antiparasite program do your first flush. Then every two weeks for the remaining three months if symptoms indicate.
Diet: Go with Distilled water for the rest of your life, also take a gulp of olive oil every night before you go to bed. Wash it down with cherry juice. The liver needs vegetable oils to rebuild and stay heathy.
Don't do a liver flush without first doing a least two weeks of atiparasite program. Your symptoms will start to abate when the parasites start dying which is usually in 3-7 days. The "flutters" will stop once the liver remains open.
You've got some work to do - keep me posted. Doc