Re: Curezone Has Issues
Trapper, everyone,
I'll not forget the days when I discovered that there was controversy in the CureZone.
...That 'debate' wasn't debate.
...That people didn't respond to me at all, and when they did, they could be coming at my statements (even the ones where I said 'perhaps' and 'maybe', and didn't point the finger of 'blame'), from an entirely different perspective than I had imagined.
I had to reconsider 'why' I was reading here, and 'why' I was posting.
I decided to continue, not because I was saying something important, but that I was gaining clues as I went along.
I was (and am) learning how people function, and where answers MAY lie, for me. I have wished for a simple list of steps to well-being...only to discover that there isn't least, not one listed here.
If I wanted a checklist, I would have to compile it myself...exactly as in real life.
When I read good ideas, I try to say so. People will 'resonate' to ideas, or they won't, but, here and there, what I say may contribute to the common good...the betterment of the whole.
At this very minute, I should be sleeping. I have some very real tasks at hand, and I need to rest myself. But, instead, I am posting.
I am posting even though I know my meaning will not necessarily be understood, nor even read by many. Still, I must say it.
Truth is not 'black and white'. Truth lies in will be distilled in what people pick up and use in their what they respond to.
If I think something is a good idea, why would I say it in words that will inflame or hurt or challenge the reader's hard-won insight?
And, what about those who will read tomorrow? ...A hundred years from now?
One hundred and twenty people may 'click on' a post of mine, before it slips off into yesterday's news. Of those one hundred and twenty 'clicks', six may be my own, editing what I have said so that it may be clear and even inviting to read.
Ninety 'clicks' may be from readers who were attracted by the title, but turned off by the first paragraph; or the length of my article; or punctuation; or by the simple fact that they were not looking for that particular information today.
Twenty-one people may have 'clicked' on my article and skimmed the contents, perhaps filing away my opinion for some future day.
Three may 'agree', in principle, but see other applications.
It is very, very likely that no one really 'gets' my reason for bothering to post.
That's okay...I have contributed to the overall 'tones' of the CureZone; the Internet; the universe.
Posting is the same as book publishing...and talking to neighbors over the back fence. None of these guarantee readership or acceptance of ones thoughts.
No, truth is not 'black and white'...nor is much as we would like them to be.
All we can do is distill information through commonsense...trying procedures that seem wise, until we find those that work, for us.
The interesting part of the process, to me, is learning what words actually reach people...what style of presentation actually suits my purpose.
I figure people read here for a reason...first and foremost to find out what works for health...then, to interact with others.
We do best, I think, as part of friendly communities.
And, outdoors.