Another one with brown pee!
Just started
Lugol's 4 days ago and my pee turned darker withing 2 days. Pee'd during the night and did not flushed so I would not wake the other family members and behold my pee was nasty in the toilet by morning. Smelt really bad. This is very strange since I absolutely always have clear pee. I mean there is no yellow color once it hits the water in the toilet. The only exception to the rule is when I have taken a very high multi-B-complex and while I did the Master Cleanse. Then it was just yellow or orange. Now it is brown.
I did a 24 hour urine collection for Dr. once and he told me I had no mercury and the pee was not brown.(14
Amalgams removed) I thought the test was wrong so I went to a German Dr. and she did blood work and urine test and found high mercury, some lead and arsanic. Now I wonder if the first Dr. did not find the mercury do to the fact that no
Iodine was available to push it out of my system.
Trapper: I always tell my KJV friends that if we were made from the dust/dirt of the earth and most of our bodies are composed of water, then anything that contaminates the soil or water, also contaminates people.
They think I be nuts! Ok! So I do love nuts!
I is what I eat!
and breath,
and taste,
and think,
and do,
and pee,
and poo!
HH :)