TESTIMONIAL ~ brown pee and hating it
its not the brown pee i am hating. in fact i like it a lot. i will get to what i hate about it.
i spoke earlier about starting to get brown pee after getting iodoral and using it as well as lugols. i am still combining them -
Lugols in the day and iodoral before bed.
but thats not all i have done which may have effected this. i have been getting a lot more sun. this may very well have an effect by increasing circulation in the skin, by production of more vitamin D, and by shedding more water through the skin, thus condensing the product coming from the bladder.
i have also been drinking more water with salt in it. i have quit drinking straight water,. as i feel as detoxified as possible from that and i beleive plain distilled water is just not good for a person.
i have been more active. this also has produced sweating and increased circulation throughout the body, especially the lymph system.
a couple of other things have occured which are interesting. i have lost ten
pounds and my stomach has gone down considerably. this is not because i am doing any big dynamic exercises or anything, just putzing around the yard and not sitting in front of the computer as much(making my detractors happier, i am sure.)
the thing which i think is contributing the most to this, however, is for me a major change in lifestyle. after 35 years, i no longer drink coffee every day. i have had one cup in the last 2.5 weeks. lately this has been 2 16 ounce cups of strong organic coffee with plenty of 1/2 & 1/2 and a sweetener, agave syrup being my main choice. this was every day without fail.
iodine has made this change able to take place without notice - no cravings, no headaches, nothing. amazingly, i have hardly given it much thought at all. i havent even filled the gap with other things, like eating or such things as that. i still eat only after 5pm. i still eat about as much and about the same things.
the reason cutting out the coffee appeals to me as the likely answer is because this is congruent with my philosophy that it is not the need for more to be added to the body to effect healing, it is usually something that needs to be taken away or sometimes replaced(changed). anything you do or ingest(breathe, eat, absorb through the skin) on a daily basis is the most powerful force on your health.
what i hate is not being sure. i have self experimented for years now, yet i still have difficulty keeping different things seperate enough to get a definitive read on any one thing's effects. in many cases, like
Iodine supplementation, it may take months to really observe all of the results.
oh yea, i almost forgot. i had taken a break from oil pulling and have taken that practice back up. this has been in the last week or so and the brown pee started occuring over two weeks ago. but... it has not been consistent until this week.
its going to be a great summer.
btw, bromine zits have been popping up here and there this last week as well.
Edgar Cayce said that coffee and cream were really bad for the gut. this could be a matter of better GI absorption alone. dammit! (grin, grin)