Hi - I read further down that you feel the leak, a dripping, behind your back? I have to say, I have leaky gut, and the most prominent symptom of mine and those I have read about is allergic reactions. And, I have never "felt" a leak, nor have I read about anyone who actually feels the leak. I am also wondering, because I question whether one would feel something in the gut behind the back - the area does not seem like it corresponds. I could be very wrong and you could be 100% correct about this, but since you said you have not mentioned it to your doc, is it at all possible that what you are feeling is something else, and not leaky gut? The fact that you don't have allertgic reactions points away from LG. Only saying this as I would hate to see you missing out on proper treatment if it is something other than leaky gut. You know your body best of course, I just have never heard LG described in the way you are describing it.