Hi needhelp,
The rest of your questions: 2. What is the best way to improve liver/gall-bladder functionality?
3. I learned this from Andreas, that Candida is there because there is waste in my intestines, which means constipation ( even though I have colitis – which happens when your intestines and blocked ). What shall I do to have clean bowels, I can’t do any colonics, as it is very delicate.
4. Do you think lecithin will help?
5. Any other suggestions.
Answer: The Liver is one of the organs that along with the kidneys has a job of Removing the Waste Toxins from the body !
The gallbladder may be taken care of by the Liver, so if one takes care of the Liver and Kidneys Correctly, then do you suppose that most of the rest of your body may work better ?
And it would seem that the Alkalizing drink is helping your body to be able to have Normal Bowel movements now, this would seem to be the first problem needing to be Solved to help correct the rest of the problems ?
As what you need to do to have clean Bowels, it would seem that the Alkalizing Drink is Solving that problem as long as you take it ?
So, what is there to be concerned about in the bowel cleaning dept ?
Lecithin is good to take to help the Fats and Oils , which you eat to be able to be properly Digested !
As to any other suggestions ?
Have you tried doing any of the Full body bath soaks ?
Smile Tis your choice.