Here's my advice: Just have any visible warts surgically removed or removed with a topical treatment then build up your immune systems up so that a recurrence of any warts will be unlikely. HPV is not a death sentence! Certain strains of the HPV virus (not the strain that causes warts) have been linked to cervical cancer in women but if your girlfriend gets regular pap smears any pre cancerous cells can be treated before they turn cancerous. In men the only thing that HPV can do is cause visible warts. They're mainly an asthetic problem (they look bad) Also there is still MUCH uncertainty about the HPV virus (how it's caused and how it's transmitted). They don't know why in some couples only one person may have warts and the other may not. Certain people seem to have immune systems which don't allow warts to ever form. There is still a lot of unanswered questions about HPV.