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Mild Dysplasia/ HPV
RAH Views: 9,432
Published: 22 y

Mild Dysplasia/ HPV

I posted this in another forum but then I found this forum:

My girlfriend was told yesterday that she has Mild Dysplasia.  We have been together for over a year and a half.  I honestly believe that she has been faithfull and I can say I have been too. I do understand that this can be hard to detect and I believe that whichever one of us had this did not know we did. I got an appointment for the doctor on Monday but since yesterday I have been searching the web and looking for all information.  I am only confusing myself though.  I have a few questions,  what do we do from here to get better, is this something that I am going to live with for the rest of my life?  I do not have genital warts, does that mean I do not have hpv?  If  I do have hpv can I get rid of it?  While trying to cure it can my girlfriend and I be sexualy active with each other?  Her doctor has scheduled her to see a gynecologist but they are acting like it isn't a big deal.  What is the gynecoligist going to do?  test the mild dysplasia?  I am lost and I would like to see if someone could kind of help me out on where and what to expect from here...Thank you



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