Is there any chance you may have touched yourself down there after touching his genitals? Say to go to the bathroom? I feel I got mine that way. I had never had an outbreak. Messed around with someone who once said they were positive then told me that had just been a "scare." I broke out two weeks to the day after contact with her and on that day she called and said she had something going on down there. All I can think is that I was performing oral on her got up and transfered it to myself while going to the bathroom. When I suggested that she flipped and told me her thing wasn't herpes because it was on her inner thigh.
Do I need to explain how furious I am? Not really with the fact that she evidently gave me herpes but with the denial and attitude I received when trying to discuss it with her. She became a completely irrational, screaming psycho. Thankfully I've done a bunch of stuff learned on here and have been outbreak free for six months. I only had the one... and it sucked!