Re: If you are currently WATER ONLY fasting, PLEASE post here...
Today, I'm stumped. I just weighed myself, have not broken the fast and yet I'm at 198.6. I can only guess that I made an error in a previous weight or my body is retaining more water today and I will see a several pound weight loss in a day like on day 1. Cravings are much more difficult to ignore, but I recognize them as just that cravings, not hunger. I say that because I really want one or two specific things and when I ask myself if I want something else, the answer is no. Why? Because I'm not hungry. True hunger means you'll eat anything.
I don't see the .6 weight "gain" as a set back because I have stayed diligently on the fast and I am experiencing other positive effects. Today I seemed a little less focused than yesterday, more cravings than usual and am experiencing cramps in various areas, nothing major or necessarily painful. According to every study I've read, that's good because it's part of the deotx process. Today I got to work at 6am. A first for me in a very long time. I actually woke up at 4:15 without feeling too tired. I didn't get to bed until almost midnight last night which makes it all the more remarkable. All in all, I think the phosphosoda purge has really helped alleviate many of the symptoms people experience as the colon finishes up the digestion process. I forgot to mention I have been drinking about 120
ounces of water per day. Not forcing it, just drinking when I'm thirsty. When I get a craving I take a few huge gulps of water and that helps. Oh, and the inevitable cigarette.