Why do the enlightened get sick?
I've been wondering about this lately.
For example, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj died of cancer, yet he was enlightened .. One of my favourite quotes from him is: "In my world, nothing ever goes wrong."
Edgar Cayce died of having a stroke.
I have been pondering 2 possibilties:
1. That those who may seem enlightened may have pushed their polarity consciousness of "goodness/kindness" etc. to the extreme, that perhaps some of their personality traits were repressed and thus became shadows.
In most spiritual traditions, it is taught that in order to be whole, one must integrate all parts of the self .. all the polarities, such as anger and love, good and bad, light and dark .. there can be no either/or .. for to shun one part is to cut off oneness, the middle way.
2. That as healers, when they offer healings through their gifts, they were so open in their giving, that they absorbed some of the disease from those they helped. (This I have some experience with)
Would appreciate any insights or comments.