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:) Re: But also remember, he didn't say HOW MUCH "soda"
unyquity Views: 2,502
Published: 18 y
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:) Re: But also remember, he didn't say HOW MUCH "soda"

I thinks that's great information for consideration ...and it certainly makes a LOT of sense.

I, too, believe we get WAY too much the forms that our bodies simply cannot utilize, hence has to fight against (without enough Iodine to help!). And many of the foods that we should be able to ingest for calcium in a form our bodies can use, have been turned into food that actually suck calcium stores from our body to be digested. (MILK! CHEESE! YOGURT! grrrr. Once pasteurized they are 'enzyme dead', and our body has to have the enzymes that were killed during pasteurization to properly absorb/utilized the calcium in them...and those enzymes must be produced by taking the calcium from our body's store/bones).
(Lots of good enzyme info here!)

I'm interested in Phil's "take" (or anyones) as I've always understood that Cayce NEVER clarified the usage of the word "soda" in the '4 basics'...I've heard a lot of guesses, but never 'ash'. But that makes some sense as Cayce refered to 'animated ash', 'carbon ash' and 'ash of dodecyl' (the last is in Miracle II products...just one of the reasons why I love them :)

(Thinking outloud now)...but then again, that 'doesn't make some sense' why would Cayce have refered to all the other 'ashes' specifically/by name, yet used the word 'soda' in the "4 basics"? That would mean that he did NOT mean that soda and ash were one in the same.

...another Cayce 'mystery' (that people have been trying to understand for decades).




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