Thank you for that link. It looks quite interesting and informative too.
It took me a minute or two to remember the original reason that I began drinking this. That reason is still a good reason alone for continuing to drink it. Yet, as time has progressed, I find that there are numerous other reasons that I continue to do so. No doubt that I will forget to mention some of them, but...
1. Original reason: To keep from getting dehydrated and keep, or up, electrolytes.
I don't recommend this, but I did 2 large doses of Epsom's salt, without the rest of the
Liver Flush protocol. I had my reasons and I received the results that I was after.
After discovering the egg, oil and juice flushes, I again used the epsoms dose a couple hours later.
Then also, I chose to do the Castor Oil form of bowel cleansing and it too could strip electrolytes.
2. I feel better drinking it.
3. Nice to get doses of minerals throughout the day.
Edgar Cayce mentions that baking soda is one of the 4 items needed that, if had, can in effect create all else that the body needs. The other three are: iodine, potassium and I think water. I get all of this in the solution in minute amounts.
4. It tastes good.
5. Having the water, which I could do with just any water, in a container allows me to know that I have drank the minimum amount that I need.
6. Has the effect of kidney cleansing and support.
Well, that is all the reasons that I can think of right now.
Just-n-merciful (are our bodies)