Question RE Salt Loading & My Current Protocol
I have a question regarding salt intake. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, I have not been a big salt user in the past. Now that I've been at the curezone site for just over 2 months, that has changed.
For at least 6 weeks now I have been drinking two
quarts daily of a solution I make in addition to 2 glasses of distilled water a day plus whatever teas, coffee and juices I may drink during the day too.
The solution is: 2
quarts water, 1/4 tsp Epsom Salt, 1/4 tsp Redman's Real Salt (used to be Celtic
Sea Salt until just recently), and 1/4 tsp Baking Soda.
My question involves when I begin doing the salt loading, should I do away with my home made solution?
Also, I've read the salt loading is to be done with Celtic
Sea Salt . Is there a reason for this particular salt and that Redman's should not be used for loading purposes?
Maybe I should be asking this at the salt forum?
Thank you for all your help.