I do add a couple of carrots most of the time to help with the flavor. I don't drink as much as you do. Only one large green drink and later in the day I have fruit drink. I would prefer drinking the fruit earlier and the green later but I can't talk my husband into trying the greens when he's home but he loves the fruit.
Many people can't stand to juice Mustard or Turnip greens but I do add it to the mix, even though it makes it peppery tasting. Many people develop abdominal upset with these, so I wouldn't advise anyone with a sensitive stomach to try them.
Due to my studies here I have learned that certain greens like Mustard and Kale are Goitrogens and are not good for the thyroid even though they are packed with nutrients but I do still use them, just not heavily.
I'm sorry but I just can't stomach wheatgrass. I start heaving just thinking about it.
I will admit that I'm not fond of drinking my greens but what can I say? I'm on a mission to get healthier. (refreshed)