Re:How rebuild the soil
Absolutely fantastic, informative and clarifying! I have gardened similar to this for years and now I really understand what each if these natural fertilzer do.
Ive used a combination in a water solution of barn lime(calcium hydroxide) ,magnesium sulphate, a
Sugar of some type often a dark beer or coca aola for its phosphate, but now I will use Black Strap Mollasses! I also use a drop of dish detergent to make the water wetter as they say and help soak the ground evenly, and of course along with composted manures!
Unfortunately I live way up north and my growing season is just now starting, but I have my beds ready for seed and seedlings and I am looking forward even more then ever to this years gardeng season, thanks to all your information, here and in the A/A forum! great stuff ,when is the next lesson?
Oh yes, I particularly like the thought that I now know my vegetables are truly healthy! A valuable piece of knowledge.