Re: Aye's post
close the eyes and imagine a block of marble
and a hammer and chisel utilized to chip away
what is not needed. Go ahead...
Now see that the work of art is already there
but it needs to have excess hard stony material
taken away
and refined
so that perception of the work
is not veiled in excess matter
the spirit of creation the creator intended
is revealed
In the same manner
we as partakers in creation
are already created to the fullest
there is nothing left to create that is not already created
this includes Healing of which you speak
we have No_thing to add
only hard stony material to take away
much of the stone encased material being thoughts and mindsets
actions and reactions,
that yes would be considered low frequency.
the importance is to drop ALL these things that we THINK
we are all created as Realized beings until of course we start Thinking (Thoughts such as what is GOOD and what is EVIL......)
That apple once bitten gets one into trouble from the first bite!
lest we share it with our mate!
Thinking ADDS....
and like the LAW and SIN and KARMA creates DEBT causing us to MISS the MARK....
The christed ones tell us not to ADD but to SUBTRACT or take away
Realizing NO_Thing and No_thoughts need to be added,
reveals perfect creation as intended,
jesus said take N0_thought for this and no thought for that....
Take no thought for your life...... Which of you by taking thought
can add one cubit unto his stature?......
but seek first the kingdom of god and the rest shall be added.
where is the kingdom of god?
of course we know it is not to be found externally but rather within,
but what also does jesus say...the kingdom of god is not found here, it is not found there, it is neither found with preponderance of THOUGHT or any thought for that matter. THOUGHTS are counter productive to seeking and finding.
when one takes NO_thought there is no adding no sin or debt or karma created
neither is there a need for desire for certain outcomes or attachment to the stony material plane. (When one SUBTRACTS these natures that bind us to one plane of existence... paradoxically ALL is then ADDED unto us. We experience release of the spirit into the plane where it was intended. We know these things to be true. I am just reminding you what it is like to know that 'I am not this body' "I Am not this mind' 'I Am not these emotions' No_ne of these things are mine. The lord is my shepherd I shall No_t want.