Oops...I shouldn't write when I am tired.
Please excuse me, Starlien.
All I meant to say is that if a person is eating all they need, and getting all the activity they require, etc., their weight should optimize.
Reading your list of foods, your diet seems more than adequate for your needs.
So, if you aren't maintaining the proper weight for your heights and frames, you might want to look at the Salt forum, and Humaworm.com to see if there is any help for you there.
As much as I believe that a happy frame of mind is useful to all people, I didn't intend to imply that there is anything wrong with your mindset.
I apologize for anything I said that upset you. I don't know enough about you to make any judgement calls...and wouldn't, even if you were my nextdoor neighbors.
No one actually knows enough about another to make judgement calls, I think.
That's why each of us must take final responsibility for our own well-being.
My best,