Re: Poppycane Re: Scattering
Hi Poppy,
I finally found where I had asked you my question! I had looked and looked and looked, lol. Finally thought to look a page back and here I now am. :)
I'll be putting your comments inside "quotation" marks.
"I have not taken Humaworm's product yet."
I haven't either, yet. I have it in my freezer to keep it fresh. I felt I should delay taking it even before all the talk about the "S" issue (don't wish to use the word now that a moderator posted over at Humaworm's forum).
"However, I plan to do so for my next
parasite cleanse which is due at the end of April."
Hmmmm, half a month... I wonder if I will be more ready by then. We could do it together. Oh, but I want to start mine on the full moon or the new moon. I really do have to check my notes on which phase of the moon provides optimal benefits.
"Although I had been reading a lot about cleansing and
parasite cleansing for many months, progress was slow.
I used a product bought on ebay, which incorporates the three main ingredients of
Black-Walnut , cloves and
Wormwood .
The first time I used it I didnt use it correctly and had minimal results."
I understand. I'd really like to be further along than I am. I really really need to do a
Hulda Clark Liver Flush and get to doing them regularly. My liver causes me pain. Not like it was though. Done a few gentle flushes and that has helped some.
"Due to financial constraints and a period of earning less than enough to live on, I had to severely cut back on all my protocols, but managed to order the
parasite capsules again just after Xmas holidays."
That is what I am running into right now too. Not only taking the time to educate myself on how to make myself healthy, my little dog has become severely ill and I've been nursing him, cooking for him and the whole she-bang. To top that I have a family member who has monopolized a great deal of my time too. Don't regret it though... they are suicidal and I would not want to make myself unavailable just so that I could make some money. Good thing, not too long ago had to have him admitted again.
Even though... we really need to be making more money! This is the 3rd week in a row with increased expenses and greatly decreased income. ouch! So, I do understand completely about having to take a break on some protocols. lol, like letting a bill slide for a week or so. Gotta nip that in the bud though.
"I began this course early January 07, began taking it as I had before, but I was also avidly reading curezone, and I suddenly realised that by not following the protocols for this product correctly I could be creating resistant parasites, which I had possibly done some many months earlier by taking the GHC product continuously for months (as per instructions on their product)."
Yes, this is a danger.
A lot of people don't realize that slow and sure and complete understanding is necessary before embarking upon a health regime... and not just about
parasites either.
I use to study health related information. Herbs, vitamins, etc... how the body works. Not that it did me any good. I had my gallbladder out a long time ago and come to find out just recently I should have been reading the complete titles on health books. Those books titled: Cleanse your Gallbladder and Liver I never paid attention to... lol, never got past the word Gallbladder since I didn't have one.
Hence I increased the dosage to the parasite formula I was taking in January 07 to the recommended full dose......... WOW the die-off was quite bad but I was in for a big surprise...... I passed two big bundles/balls of worms...
Ascaris I believe. The die-off disappeared completely after that, it was amazing.
"And I continued to pass many
parasites and continue to do so till this day.
However, it may be that this parasite course was too short as it lasts for about 2and half weeks.
Therefore, and after much much thought I am going to try Humaworm's product next as I feel that his product will address many more areas in the body that other products dont."
I think we will both be very pleased with his product. I do believe that it is a superior one. I think I may have come across at first as being a supporter of those who were, well... you know. I do wish to thank you here for the kind words that you wrote to me over at that forum. I was shocked to see that someone thought I had courage, but very pleased too! I thought maybe I was coming across as stupid or something.
"As I mentioned above prior to this I had been using GHC's product para-buster along with
Oxypowder .
I took para-buster as directed on the product, which is basically 6 weeks of taking 3 capsules in the morning and 3 capsules at night, then after 6 weeks taking a maintenance dose of 3 capsules every other night.
I did this for several months, I didnt much evidence of
parasites in my bms but with hindsight I may well have caused a heavy case of resistant parasites.
It was only due to lack of finances that I gave up taking it, which was a blessing in disguise, else I may still be taking the product on a continuous basis without realising the potential damage I could have been doing to myself."
Yes, that was a blessing. Apparently even resistant parasites can be cured. RG over at humaworm has had success.
"Please dont hesitate to ask for further info as In my eagerness to explain things I can miss out things."
Same goes for me too. So, if I ever don't make sense or something, please ask. Our minds have these connections to other thoughts in our minds that we all tend to forget that others don't automatically have them too.
What I was mainly looking for was examples and experiences of people using products other than Humaworm to verify my thought/opinion that his is indeed the best there is.
I know I have a reply to get to you over at the HW forum, and will do so as soon as I allow myself to stop working again. Somehow I need to get the motivation to attend to my work better.
Thank you for everything, poppy.
Be Well,