I just read that you tried the infared sauna and it made your skin worse so ignore my previous message.
If I were you and nothing worked at all for me then I would try going on a nature retreat in which I would just fast on raw fruits for a week or 2. Going out into nature gives you all the fresh air you need and sleeping that close to the ground will put you in alignment with the earths magnetic feild. Maybe its something inside of your home that is poisoning you and causing this reaction. If you do a controlled experience such as the one I just described then you will know for sure that it is not an environmental issue you are dealing with.
Going out into nature will also relieve your stress and slow you down a bit so you will be able to see if its possibly an emotional problem you are dealing with. Some people are hyper sensative to stress.
Sorry if this sounds crazy but im just trying to think of things you could do since you have pretty much tried everything so far.