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Edgar Cayce on worms and parasites

Kidney Stones Remedy
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Kidney Stones Remedy
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Edgar Cayce on worms and parasites

Hi everyone,

I'm still researching this whole thing, and am not encouraged by how complicated it all is. In addition, there are people here who seem to have caused themselves even more problems just by trying to rid themselves of little critters! I can only imagine their frustration, and I pray that they get better.

In addition, here's some of the stuff I found that Edgar Cayce said about parasites and worms:

(Q) How did the trouble of pin worms originate, or what caused it?
(A) Milk! You see, in every individual there is within the intestinal tract that matter which produces a form of intestinal worm. This is in everyone. But with a particular diet where the milk has any bacillus, it will gradually cause these to increase, and they oftentimes develop or multiply rapidly; and then they may disappear, IF there is taken raw, green food.

(Q) Would you change the kind of milk she drinks?
(A) It isn't so much the change in the kind of milk that is needed. Either add the raw, green foods as indicated, or give those properties as would eliminate the sources of same. But it is better, if it is practical, to induce the body to eat lettuce and Celery and carrots, - even a small amount. One leaf of lettuce will destroy a thousand worms.

(I can only add here that if Cayce ever allowed milk and milk products in one's diet, he insisted it would be the kind that "was fermented in some way" - he was relating to Yogurt and Kefir most likely.)


(Q) Any indication of tape worm?
(A) No indication of tape worm. There is an indication that there has been stomach worms and intestinal worms, as indicated from the walls of the intestines - especially in the caecum and lacteal duct areas; but not tape worm. These indications are from those cohesions and adhesions, this drawing of tissue or tendency of tissue to be disturbed is from the infectious forces of such conditions, not from tape worm.

(Q) Any other advice for this body?
(A) If there is the desire on the part of the body to test self for tape worms, live for three days on raw apples ONLY! Then take about half a teacup of olive oil, or half a glass of olive oil [depending on how much you can take without feeling too sick - my comment, based on other recomendations!]. And this would remove fecal matter that hasn't been removed for some time!


(Q) Was the pink tablets given, or rather the WORM medicine that was given several months ago, sufficient? and did it correct that condition?
(A) Corrected in part. A portion of these conditions is what we are combating at present.

(so it seems that some medications can be OK-ish after all)


Through the digestive tract, we find, where there was considered much of the trouble in the system, and the functioning of the whole hepatic circulation has been involved in the condition, while the real seat of the trouble is from the tension from the absorption, assimilation and elimination and from the intestinal tract, for there has been within the intestinal tracts themselves those of a parasite NATURE [my caps], that involves the system throughout.

The effect of the quick coagulation to the system weakened the condition in the body, but assisted the system in that it forced the nerve and blood supply to recreate, as it were, through corpuscle creation those elements necessary to combat the condition in the body.

The action of the liver and the kidneys, at the present time, are better than they have been, yet we find, they are not abnormal in their functioning, as yet. The kidneys are overtaxed, at times, with improper secretions going through this portion of the system, hence the reflexes to the pelvic organs, giving the distress sign to all of the plexuses to this part of the body, and making the continual drain over the system.

(this was just to illustrate how bad it can be)


Then, as given, for a few days (three to four), keep the body rather quiet. This doesn't necessarily mean it is not to have movement or activity about the house, or even a little bit out of doors, but not too much of ANY nature.

And the principal diet during that period would be a little coffee or tea, and principally green cabbage - for the first day, see?

Then begin with small doses of Fletcher's Castoria, taking half a teaspoonful every half hour until half a bottle has been taken.

Then take a pellet of Calomel and Santonin, followed by another in about two and a half hours. That is, take two doses. This is already prepared, you see - Calomel, Santonin and Nux vomica. These are prepared in lozenges. Take two of these, about two hours apart.

When the bowels have moved properly, then begin with the rest of the Castoria, taking at this time - besides the half a bottle left - at least ANOTHER half bottle.

When the bowels have been flushed, than begin with a well-balanced diet that will make for nerve and blood building forces for the body. This would be as an outline, through it may be altered somewhat to suit the tastes; but be mindful that - for at least three to four weeks - no candies, cakes or pies are taken:

Mornings - citrus fruit juices; corn cakes or buckwheat cakes that are well buttered, and if a syrup is to be used on same use honey - but at least half of those eaten at a meal should be without it. Or, this may be altered to stewed fruits, mixed fruits, figs, prunes, or rhubarb may be made as one meal - that is, the morning meal, see?

Noons - a sandwich of chicken or mutton, or lamb, or veal; or there may be included in this the whole wheat toast with milk that has been brought not to a boil but ALMOST, or make into milk toast. Or, there may be taken at this meal the juices of meats or the juices of vegetables; but, preferably WITHOUT the meats or the vegetables, see?

Evenings - at least three of the evening meals each week should be of calves' liver with eggs (and only the egg yolks used); with grits and gravy, or rice and gravy - or other cereals of the same nature. And cooked vegetables, as any of the LEAFY vegetables that are palatable for the body, or cooked in such a manner as to BE palatable; that carry iron, and silicon, and sulphur, and the like, for the developing body. Fish and sea foods, or the shell foods may be used at the same meal.

At all times the body should drink PLENTY of MILK! For this particular body, the dried milk or malted milks will be better than cows' milk; for they will balance better with a developing system and supply more of the vitamins necessary for the replenishing of those forces within the system, through the glandular activities of the body that have been depleted by the activity of this parasite - or this FORM of parasite in the system.

(this reading was specifically for someone who was terribly exhausted and needed to replenish their vitamins and so on)


(Q) Can he have become infected with an animal parasite?
(A) We do not find it so; though the use of drugs for the destruction of animal parasite HAS been a part of that which has - through absorption - caused irritation.

(so it seems that worm or parasite medications CAN make us sick as well)


(Q) Is there any indication of tape worm?
(A) Not as yet. There is always INDICATION, to be sure! for these conditions exist in every WELL ROUNDED body, even - for ONE body lives upon another in every form of existence. Even the flea or the mite has its parasite. The human body, internally and externally, has ITS parasite! These are not above the normal at present in this body.

(this I put here just to show that having parasites it seems is - NORMAL! It also seems that compromised body will develop too many parasites, and that's the problem - compromized immune system; parasites just follow the path of least resistance)


...the condition has set up that atomic vibration in the system as to DEMAND the recuperation or rebuilding of same, in the form of a parasite, in a worm nature, that infects as it propels itself in this fine manner through or between the skins, producing then first a watery state, then drying, as it moves on, or as it accumulates for the propagation of itself, see? This infection attacks, then, by taking from the vitality of the body, rather than attacking conditions direct, making the whole debilitation in the system below the normal forces - that is, the debilitation produced makes the condition in system, the resistance, below normal. Hence it becomes that as is to the body a loathsome condition, giving the nerve system and the consciousnesses of the condition in the body that of the low state of resistance to meet the conditions.

Much has been done to keep the system physically fighting against the condition. Little has been done to destroy that as is produced in the system, see? A FORM OF MERCURY WAS THE BEGINNING OF THIS [my caps], as we see.

(just to show the impact mercury can have... and how many of us had mercury fillings...)


He has also given conrete advice on getting rid of worms, but it was vastly different every time. The only common thing was suggestion to eat cabagge and greens, and not to eat anything sweet.

I've also read in one of the readings that body will INCREASE the acidity of the whole system in order to make the host environment as unfriendly as possible for worms and parasites. So decreased pH (for those of you have are checking it with those strips like I do), may not necessarily be only due to bad diet... and decrease in pH can lead to so many other problems as we all know...

So there it is, some more food for thought!

Good luck everybody!



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