I've used Blood and Lymph blasters.
State of the Art Instruments (sotainstruments.com) is a Canadian company that makes beautiful stuff and I have used their Blood Cleaner, a 4 Hz pulse (4X a second) of microamperage. This comes with a Silver Colloid jack and electrodes to clean up internal bugs. It will produce a mild Herxheimer Reaction, that is, sickness from dead bug die-off, as will Silver Colloid use. Get their book on the Beck protocol to lower the reaction effect. Our bodies react to the protein cell coat of the dead pathogen or
parasite (including Candida) as a foreign protein.
I have used the magnetic pulse Lymph Blaster after having a wisdom tooth out. I did not have a "dry socket" as I had previously and I was quite pleased. This will promote bleeding so use wisely after any surgery. It didn't for me, just cleaned up a potentially nasty situation. SOTA is portable and wonderfully made and I can speak highly enough of them but more importantly, Bob Beck was thrilled by their products.
The SOTA founder started the business after his wife was wasting away from that suite of modern women's problems that seemed to attack out of the blue, Chronic Fatigue etc. Beck's friend, MENSA co-founder Wayne Green, had published the circuit diagrams in his electronics magazine. It cured her and he was hooked. Like Silver Colloid, pathogens and
parasites in the one-celled stage cannot build up a tolerance for electrical blasting which probably delinks the bugs from human cell hosts. Great stuff and their strategy cleans up the big three: Blood; Lymph; and gastrointestinal tract (with Silver Colloid).
In testing his idea, Bob Beck said the only thing hours on the Blood Cleaner machine did for him was to grow his hair back to the original brown and make him drop weight he had never been able to take off dieting. There's a sobering insight on how pathogens and
parasites loot our bodies' nutrients and derange our metabolism.