What's ailing you? If there's no emergency, please consider electrical blood/lymph cleaning via Bob Beck's instrumentation, available at http://www.sotainstruments.com or free wiring plans on the web. They also include a silver colloid making circuit & electrodes. We established (below) that silver colloid blocks glutathione, the master ANTIOXIDANT, which could lead to dangerous oxidative stress, "rancid brain." The need to keep antioxidant levels high is especially important with the addition of OXIDIZERS in gas. Oxidized brain lipids ("rancid brain" fats) are probably the basis for road rage, as both surfaced around the same time. So consider using silver colloid as an emergency measure only and after "loading" with antioxidants. Beck's protocol demands eliminating garlic and other powerful spices that contain microtoxins. While normally harmless, the increased cell wall transmissivity with electrical blood/lymph cleaning 'opens up' cell pores, making the effect more toxic.