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Re: BIRDS tolerate Silver Colloid? FISH?
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Published: 20 y
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Re: BIRDS tolerate Silver Colloid? FISH?

Anybody have any other animal tales or suggested concentrations?

Yes! CS/EIS is a definite no to ruminants unless injected. Too many stomachs and destroys good bacteria. Also a no to honeybees. They get a fungus or bacteria that destroys the hive, CS kills the bacteria that keeps them alive. I heard it's ok for sick fish but they should make a quick swim and get back to their bacteria laden water.

Concentrations: I make 10-20ppm and drink a about 22ozs. a day, have been since about 1998.

Someone said, "Why buy it". I know what I make and have no idea what is made elsewhere. CS from what I understand can only be made correctly to 30-40ppm. Some of the store bought stuff is hundreds of ppm and is not a true colloid but a mild silver protein.

One of the larger companies had to change their labeling to no benefit/cure claims but they make a mineral suppliment that is not CS although it has silver in the name.

I have some that is at least five years old and is still charged.




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