I only posted this last night and have already received helpful and insightful messages...this is a great forum. Thank you all. As for my decision to start on lexapro... I do understand this may only mask the problem but I have to agree with moondance and say that if I have to take a step back in order to take a leap forward than I guess I will. I don't plan on doing this long term and i plan on taking the minimum dose. Anxiety can really get out of hand and maybe its due to candida or maybe its due to a chemical imbalance , who am I to say?? I do know that when I am feeling stronger i will definitely try the cleanses and flushes and try to find a natural way to become healthy mentally and physically.
as for the yeast overgrowth..how can one be certain they have it??..what type of doctor will test for this...It seems like it is a possibility since i took so many Antibiotics but I want to be certain before I go down that path..