Re: Am I using the right oil?? and a few other questions
I just had to reply to your message. Please, Please, Please reconsider the antidepressant. They are a crime against humanity in my opinion and cause great harm. You can go to
to learn a lot about SSRI'.s what damage they cause and how to get off of them.
Read my profile. I was on AD's for years after
Antibiotic use, (which started my anxiety and panic) only to discover that the
Antibiotics were the CAUSE of the depression...treating with AD's was just band aiding the problem. Taking that AD's left my body and my mind in a mess. I was so toxic that my body finally broke down. Get to the root of the problem. Find a doctor of Ostheopathy (spelling?) a DO. or a naturopath. AD's are endocrine disruptors. They toss your hormones all over the place...make you numb, short circuit (for lack of a better word)causing internal tremors, and can cause you to sleep all the time...then over time will not be able to sleep (at all. That is what they did to me and I'm still trying to fully reverse this issue...and I've been off of them 3 years in April.
I started on AD's at 29. You are younger. You can fix this without this chemical toxin. Treat for yeast,(
Antibiotics cause yeast overgrowth) repopulate the gut with probiotics, get off
Sugar and grains, research Omega 3 fatty acids (as effective for
Depression than AD's. Research magnesium and consider taking it, because antibitotics deplete magnesium and low magnesium can cause depression. Exercise and drink lots of water to cleanse the body.
Diets also run in families. Also diets have changed over the last 50 years where we are eating dead foods out of boxes, cans and at fast food joints. We eat on average 150 to 170 lbs of
Sugar a year (compared to 4 lbs at the turn of 20 century).
Sugar fuels yeast and sugar pulls minerals (magnesium & others) from the body.
Research's a vitamin/mineral to supply your body with nutrients your body needs at a cellular level...taking it gives me a sense of well being.
These of course are suggestions based on what happened to me. You always have to do your own research.
Wishing you the best,