18 y
Re: Am I using the right oil?? and a few other questions
Thank you for taking time to reply...
I have two siblings who both have problems with anxiety and
Depression who are much better since they have started SSRIs..I guess you could say it runs in the family. Over the past 4-5 years have lived with growing feelings of
Depression and anxiety (possibly triggered when I moved in the middle of highschool and left all my friends)..After that my emotions seemed somewhat numb..I wasn't feeling like myself..things didnt really get out of hand until years later i became sick while iwasat college. I was put on
Antibiotic after
Antibiotic began to have sinus problems.. more
Antibiotics ..and began having bad problems with dizziness.. at this point I have been unable to regain my confidence, happiness, and have began to have bad anxiety attacks and have been frequently fatigued and congested and dizzy. Im only 22 and I felt like I hit rock actually starting today I put my ego aside and started to try lexapro.....I never thought I would take an antidepressant but Ive just lost so much confidence in myself and in my health which has allowed
Depression and anxiety to overwhelm me..I hope this allows me to regain some control and work towards reclaiming my health and happiness.
Can you tell me your personal experience and when you noticed it started working??this would be much appreciated..
Also if anyone has noticed any benefits regarding nasal congestion, or fatigue from oil pulling can you please let me know?