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There is no one-world government conspiracy
jayson Views: 3,062
Published: 18 y
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There is no one-world government conspiracy

"I also think that we are not that far off in our reasoning about the abuse of christianity , we just split on the cause! Why would a true christian do the exact opposite of what a true christian is suppose to stand for? There is a seed of this corruption , we just need to identify it!"

I'm a Christian, and I and many others are abused by the evangelicals.  We are the hated enemy.  (I'm a WASP.)  That doesn't really bother me, but they are more of the conspiracists than any one else I'm aware of and they are international.  

The last thing I read on conspiracies - just to see what the current (then) thing was all about, was "The New World Order" by Pat Robertson.  It was filled with the same baseless charges that I was raised on (I'm ancient) and its references were circular.  Everybody referenced their friends books and used each other as their authority.  It was also filled with downright lies.  That's when my opinion of Yale zoomed to zero (even before Bush came along).  Robertson got a PhD from them in law?  In getting that PhD he in no way could have used the type of documentation to even graduate from high school.  He is also an ex-marine who was kept out of combat by his senator father.  I was in the trenches while Robertson was in the rear area staying drunk.  I consider that a conspiracy, but nobody ever talks about that one.

All international conspiracy theorists are bananas.  There are truly what one can call conspiracies on a national level, ours - and other countries too.  But headed for a one-world government?  No way.



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