Re: Forms of iodine?
Nope! Never had them, always had good teeth, which im pretty thankful for.
I read a lot of the problems people have had with mercury and feel very sorry for them.
Im still wondering if my arrythmias are related to some magnesium calcium imbalance, because I get a lot of muscle tics and twitching, and the heart is nothing if not a lot of muscle... though I wonder if the nutrients it requires are fundamentally different to the other body muscle, due to its constant operation.
Juice fasts, bowel cleansing, liver flushing, clean diet, clean(er) water, nothing has made a dent in them. Im thinking
parasite cleanse on humaworm next with some general chelation (chilantro, ala) and
Iodine probably as lugols, as it seems cheaper (I cant say the stomach upset or taste thing worrys me overmuch).
One other note, trying to get decent supplements in the UK is a nightmare!
I keep thinking I should start an online shop over here with all the good stuff you Americans get :-D