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Treasure map
Anything that makes you feel good will increase energy.
Bu energy, you mean chi/life force/prana right? There are many Qigong (Chi kung) exercises you can learn, but it is much better to go to a class. Perosnally, I find Qigong the most powerful form of raising energy .. and once learnt, it is in your hands to do.
A really powerful way to increase energy is to do a treasure map.
First of all, set out your intention for your treasure map - such as how to increase energy.
You get a large poster size paper/card (A3 or larger). Get hold of loads of magazines, cut out lots of pictures that make you feel good when you look at them .. you can add affirmations like "I am vibrant" "I am full of life force" etc.
make as beautiful a collage as you can - this will represent your intention. then look at this collage every day, as often as possible, keep adding to it.
We mirror our thoughts. by making visual your intention, your body will start to vibrate with your thoughts and intentions.
I make these sorts of treasure maps myself, one for each project I want to accomplish.