17 y
Re: cognitive dissonance in mercury-leaking amalgam Quacks
"...studying for people with mercury is very difficult." I'll second that.
Merc is so insidious, that by the time a person is in college years, they don't have a reference point to know what life without it would be like.
each filling volatilizes mercury on the order of 10 micrograms a day; substantial portions of which enter the olfactory bulb and eventually find way into the tear ducts, where the Hg binds with retinal protein and makes one need reading glasses eventually. I wonder how many people over 50 are walking around with more than about 7
Amalgams in their mouths, who don't also NEED to wear their glasses. After I had my merc out, I threw away my glasses.
What really helped was the EDTA eyedrops I whipped up. Cant find that on the internet, so I made my own.
finally, the last problem with merc is that it has a synergistic effect with other toxins, including heavy metals ingested from other sources, including lead in chocolate and cadmium from tobacco. Were you aware of the high quantities of metallic lead present in the world's chocolate supply ?