Are you soaking your nuts before you eat them? It also sounds like you're eating too many nuts. You shouldn't have more than 15 nuts daily (my naturopath told me that and I've heard it repeated here as well.) Nuts in excess are too hard to digest. That may be contributing to your fatigue.
Also, you may not be eating enough calories. Especially if you're weight training! I'd definitely consider going up to at least 1500 calories a day but cutting out the nuts except for maybe 15 soaked almonds daily if you want. Replace the nut fats with a tablespoon of cold-pressed flaxseed, coconut or olive oil instead.
Also, you might want to look into raw hemp protein powder and make a smoothie by combining it with water and fruit. That should give you lots of energy.
Also, are you taking a B-12 and iron supplement? You might also want to take one (yes, ONE) Brazil Nut a day for selenium.