Re: Vulcanel
To make a long story short.....Lowered ability to cope with stress.
Early rising variety of insomnia
Prostate/pelvic pain
Lowered IQ 172 to 124
Male....55. Very good hairline and thick hair. Moderate graying.
Yes Dhea was in is in the range of a 75yr old.
Severe liver stress a few years ago....reaction to a Sulfa drug.
All liver enzymes now normal....but Glucorodination is low and Phase 1 is high.
Liver enzymes went between 10 and 30x fine.
14 mercury fillings taken out this effect + or -_. No chelation was done.
All endo readings normal.....except T4 at the bottom of range. Body temp now normal
via neurobiofeedback.....expect T4 to be in range next visit. Homocysteine at top of
range....expect it normal by next test as I am supping the folic/b12
Pregnenolone not tested.....
Good riddle.....huh.